Our mission is to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ
Our mission describes why we do what we do as a church. We strive to keep our mission in the forefront of our minds to keep us focused on what Scripture calls the church to pursue. In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus charges the church to seek to see people come to know Him and grow in their relationships with Him.

We believe that healthy disciples of Jesus Christ discover Jesus as their Savior, believe Jesus’s words and fruitfully walk by faith, connect with other Christians in gospel-centered loving community, serve others for the glory of God, and multiply Christlikeness in others.
To make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ.
It means to follow Jesus after coming to faith in His gospel.
A disciple of Jesus is motivated to follow Him in response to the love He demonstrated on the cross.
A disciple can only follow Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The goal of following Jesus is to bring glory to God.
Disciples: Discover, Believe, Connect, Serve, and Multiply.
MVBC offers classes for each area.
Adhering to biblical principles keeps disciples on track.

Principles We Value
Our principles are qualities we desire that provide decision guidelines. As we seek to live out our mission, we want to be characterized by these values.
1. Gospel Motivation – The gospel is for every person at every moment
2. Neighbor Focus – Christ has placed us here for New England
3. Local Relevance – Our liberty in their language brings God glory
4. Doctrinal Depth – Passion for God pulls us deeper into His Word
5. Relationships – Growth happens best in relationships
6. Mentorships – Disciples make disciples who make disciples
7. Intentionality – Mission makes every choice matter
8. Flexibility – Humility is shown by openness to others
9. Triune Dependence – God alone brings the results

Practices We Value
The practices we value are commanded by Scripture and are meant to mark our lives as individuals and as a church.
1. Biblical Engagement – Preaching, reading, meditating, teaching, memorizing
2. Prayer – Personal prayer, corporate prayer, fasting
3. Public Worship – Singing, responding holistically in worship, remembering through the Lord’s Supper, gathering together
4. Discipleship – Baptizing, training, exhorting/counseling, disciplining
5. Active Community – Confession, encouraging, fellowshipping, deferring, accepting
6. Stewardship – Giving, hospitality, redeeming the time
7. Evangelism – Sending, building relationships, sponsoring, proclaiming
8. Service – serving each other, serving the local community